Excertps from different shows presented by Groupe média TFO are presented. Visual effects are done by computer. Each of these excerpts are accompanied by informative text. The words «luv.tfo.org» appear.
In an excerpt, a robot is at the helm of a spaceship named «Super Geek». His eyes are mirror liked.
In another excerpt, a man is in front of a green screen. As he snaps his fingers, he is suddenly in a realistic environment in front of large windows and surrounded by furnitures.
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Photorealistic Sets
A woman is sitting on a hill. A photographer takes his picture. Suddenly a green screen silhouette surrounds the woman to show that the hill is not real and was computer generated using the green screen technology.
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Large environments
In a gymnasium, two persons are playing basketball with a large animated furry animal.
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Real-time animation
CHRISTOPHER is on the «Minivers» set, a garden surrounding a large futuristic-shaped house in front of which gigantic plants and vegetables grow in a real-time animation.
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Illusion of flying
In a computer generated animated scene, a woman is in a flying balloon as she flies over a canyon. She looks at the horizon amazed.
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Advanced masking
LEXIE and MONSIEUR GÉDETOU, two characters from the «Minivers» show, dig a hole in a futuristic animated scene. Later, the hole is so deep that only LEXIE's hand come out holding a chest.
In another excerpt, JOSÉE and MONSIEUR GÉDETOU are in a computer generated futuristic scene. MONSIEUR GÉDETOU walk around a flower and the special effects shows a realistic three-dimensional flower.
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Real-Time particle system
JOSÉE and XUX the extraterrestrial are dancing under an animated generated rain.
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Triggerable animation
A young boy is now in the spaceship named «Super Geek». As an animated effect shows the floor rising up, the boy tries to keep his balance.
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Texture video integration
In a fanciful landscape, a cart full of different objects rolls on rails. In between the objects, a screen is activated and displays the word «Kiwipedia».
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Real-time facial motion capture
LEXIE talks to a character whose giant face seems to emerge from a brick wall. Simultaneously, the work of the actor whose facial micmics were used to create the animated character is shown.
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Distortion effects on subject
A man stands in a living room in front of a burning carpet. The distortion effect of the flames is pretty realistic.
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Reflections on virtual objects
In a animated setting, FRANCESCA is standing next to an sign on which we can read: «Notre Ontario». FRANCESCA is now walking next to a giant typewriter. Her reflection appears on the metallic object, moving as FRANCESCA moves.
Inside a house, a man is walking near a window. His reflection appears on the piano and it is coordinated with his own motions.
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Realistic shadows
Someone is lifting his foot from the floor. His foot's shadow is following the movement.
In a soccer field, a player is doing some push-ups. Again, his shadow on the ground is perfectly realistic.
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Incredible keying
CHRISTOPHER is drinking a glass of water. A different coloured background appears behind his hand. The glass image remains unaltered.
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Precise hair keying
An excerpt from the «Toopati» shows two muppets playing together. A third one arrives, many red buds on his face. The small hairs on the muppet head are blending perfectly with the animated background.
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Remote-controlled objects
Inside the «Super geek» spaceship, a robot is flying and quickly changing directions. Simultaneously, an image shows somebody controlling his movements with a video game controller.
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360 degree: Shooting off set
A group is sitting at a table and eating. The backgroung is a greenscreen. Suddenly, an animated background appears behing them. There are now sitting in a dark room with stonewalls and wood beams.
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A witch blows towards an object in CHRISTOPHER's hands. An animated effect shows a shinny blur coming out of her breath.
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Real-time multicalm compositing
Inside a house, JOSÉE stands with two miniature elfs played by LEXIE et CHRISTOPHER. In the backgroung, an animated scene shows snow falling down behind the window.
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Real-time composing
A young girl is sitting next to a big fury animal. In the background, a man is walking. An indication says: «pretaped background».
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Glowing effects on talent
CHRISTOPHER is standing next to a stained-glass window. A coloured light reflects on his face.
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Virtual camera
A greenscreen effect shows LEXIE sitting inside a gigantic letter. This letter is part of the show title «La devinette de la journée». The image then shows a miniature LEXIE in the middle of the gigantic title.
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Focal tracking
LEXIE is now in a fantasy landscape. Her image is appearing more and more clearly as the background is getting blurred. In the sky behind her, fireworks forms the word «LUV».
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LUV Laboratoire d'univers virtuels